Monday, 12 September 2011


What's with the two belts loops in the back of pants?  They are always right next to each other, and they are always right where I can't see 'em.  Did someone need extra practice sewing?  Did the one  belt loop call for reinforcements? "uh, oh, We got a 44- inch waist here, I'm gonna need backup, over."
 Here's my take on it.  Why should a pair of pants set me up for embarrassment by making me miss a loop every time?  Its not like I put the belt through one loop and say,  "Ooh, that doesn't feel strong enough, better find another one."  No, One loop and I move on.  Look if, their going to insist on the extra loops, why not have them in front where I can see them?  That way I don't walk around with this under-over mess.

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