Friday, 16 September 2011


Today I got to ride a horse in parade!  Granted lots of people ride horses in parades.  But let me tell how I got the horses.  That's more interesting. 
I met a  student named Rolphie at 5:30 am to head out to the ranch.  Since cars aren't something anyone lends out around here,  we had to bike.  On one bike.  So anyone up early this moring in Benque might have seen an American teacher furiously pedaling a single gear bicycle with a Belizean teenager perched on the handlebars.  Eventually we picked up another rider with an extra bike.  We rode to the ranch, saddled our trusty mounts, and headed back for Benque.  Turns out that these horses like to stop occasionally for no reason. They might do this anywhere; in this case, one horse decided to stop in the middle of the road.  Now traffic in Benque does not stop, not matter the obstacle.  So this horse refuses to move, but the oncoming bus does not stop.  I thought something was gonna die.  The bad news.  The bus hit the horse.  The good news, nobody was injured.  The horse wasn't even bothered by it; apparently, the blow was glancing.

Never a dull moment.

More later

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