Tuesday 17 January 2012


I like to travel, but my recent trip through Cancun reminded my that I dislike security screenings. here's why:
1.  Let's face it, I personally tend to look like a bad guy from a movie.  If you are going to "randomly" pat someone down, who are you going to pick, me or Grandma Lois back there?
2. Speaking of which, there's nothing more ominous than the curt, "step over here please sir."   You know you've done something wrong, you just don't know what.  Your mind races to that pair or scissors you used to cut off a tag of a new shirt.  A new shirt which is definitely in your bag.  Did the scissors end up in there too?
3.  Belts were invented for reason, why are they making me take mine off and then shuffle around?
4.  Searching luggage:  Do you really want to show everyone in the airport that I can't fold clothes and am carrying a copy of Pride and Prejudice, the Kiera Knightly version?  (It was for my sister.)
5.  That Swiss Army Knife was a gift!
But really,  those TSA officials work hard and take a lot of flak, so I feel I should do something for them.  Maybe a gift or something. And there's this sale on cattle prods down at the Ag store;  hey, I won't break the bank.

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