Monday 24 October 2011

A day in the life

Hey everybody.

Some of you guys have been asking what my typical day looks like; so I decided to blog about it.
My typical school day begins around 4:45 or 5 am, when I roll over and decide I should try to go back to sleep for a little while.  Then I get up around 5:30, read my bible, and work out for about 45 minutes to an hour.  7 am (ideally) has me arriving at the girls' house to accompany one of the female volunteers to breakfast, since she prefers not to walk alone.  After breakers (oatmeal, every day.)  we walk over to the school and sign in.  I usually have three to six hours of class time, the rest of the time I prep for class, email, blog, grade, and other wise save the world one text document at a time.  School gets out around three and then there is tutoring and disciplinary JUGs, or Justice Under God.  It usually consists of misbehaved students performing some chore or extra work.  Then its more class prep for the next day.

Dinner is usually rice, beans and scrambled eggs.  The eggs haved usually been cooked around four, and I don't get to them until about six, so the contents of that pot are not high cuisine.  The only way to vary it is with Donya Betty's (not a brand, our cook)  secret-family-recipe hot sauce. Did I tell you I like oatmeal?

Mass in the evening.  Then I perhaps hang out at the girls' house or read at mine.  Currently I'm working on Teresa of Avila's spiritual autobiography.

9:30 its lights out, although since my roomate is a night owl, I usually just go to sleep with the light on.  I'm tired anyway.

Weekends might include a poker game, movie night, a hike, or travel for groceries, sports equipment, or just a lark.  More about that in my next.


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